Monday, 28 September 2009

Hollyoaks (03.09.09)
In this episode a character calls Ravi's anger puts him in difficult situations as his family and friends become scared of him. He is angry because he has a brain aneurysm. 
In the opening scene we have a medium close up of a blond character in a cheerleading costume which implies blond women are unintelligent.
We see a representation of both race and gender when Ravi, who is an Asian man, violently yells at Loretta a white woman. It shows that men can be dominating and violent, but also it can be a bad representation of Asian people, since his family all attack each other. His brother Ash, especially is a horrible person, since he made this fight come along since he tried to kiss Loretta, and as Ravi saw he denied it blaming it all on Ravi's illness. This all creates shock that a family can do this to each other and considering they are the only Asian family in Hollyoaks this creates a bad image that they do not have a close relationship. Ash, Ravi and Loretta are also adults, but young so this implies that young men have no respect for women and they also have no family morals. In the first shot of Ravi, there is a non diegetic sound of a chant that states Ravi is angry, at the same time there is a medium close up of Ravi walking out of a shop with angry facial expressions, this gives the audience the immediate impression he is an infuriated man. We then see a medium shot of Ash walking in a suit, looking important, as the chant states he is "fly" which indicates he has lots of money and does not care about anybody but himself as his expressions look self important. These two shots makes us think that these two men are equally horrible before they have done anything, which also makes the audience think the men and people of Asian race are not nice. In the first scene with Ravi and Ash, the lighting is fairly dark and they are both wearing dark clothes to portray their relationship is bad and the situation is also bad. When we see Leila, who is Ravi and Ash's sister, she is in a student flat, and the lighting is brighter and the atmosphere is less tense, she also is wearing white which represents women are innocent and therefore not all the Asian race are portrayed as bad people. Also in the scene with the two brothers, the camera was constantly moving, from over the shoulder views, and panning, whereas in the scene with Leila and her boyfriend the camera switches between character less times and does not change the level, this represents the brothers having tension and anger contrary to Leila's calm personality, even though she is worried about her brother.  

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